Receiving notification messages for 1:1 chats when notifications for Direct Messages is disabled The app does not remember the user headset device SparkMapi not responding stops PC shutdown

'Ctrl + Alt + Y' hides the space instead of reloading it Voicemail tab unstable in mobile Webex App User interface goes blank after signing in to the Webex App

User presence goes inactive when minimized and user is actively working Webex App shows wrong timezone and start time when schedule meeting from IST Webex on iPhone cannot immediately access config when switching user accounts. Contact cards do not show call button for Unified CM calling When an international user dials a Hong Kong direct inward dialing (DID) from Webex App, that call doesn't show in call history Adobe Photoshop keyboard shortcuts does not work when Webex App is open simultaneously. Webex on iPad not prompting location permission for location services with RedSky Unified CM Calling